Feng-yi Chu 朱峯誼 obtained his PhD in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Oxford, where his research focused on theories of identity, nationalism, social discourses, and political ideologies. He has worked as the program convener for the Taiwan Studies Program at St Anthony's College, University of Oxford, and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
Chu's curatorial practice explores the integration of mysticism in art across cultures and eras through curatorial endeavors spanning exhibitions, research, and podcasts. He has curated several noteworthy exhibitions, including a collateral exhibition for the 2020 Taiwan Biennial and the 2019 exhibition "Relocating Divinity: Being an Atheistic Theist," which was nominated for the Taishin Art Award. He also curated "Myth of Sanctification" in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2019, "Challenges in the Republic: The 6th Suwon International Photo Festival–Taiwan Exhibition" in Suwon City, South Korea in 2019, "Cross-Dimensions Transmission: The Synchronic Encounters between Art, Technology and Mysticism" at the Kaohsiung Main Public Library in 2020, "Dear Block Chen" at Solid Art in Taipei in 2021, the first international NFT physical contemporary art exhibition in Taiwan, and "Nostalgia Is a Waving Flag" at the Hong-gah Museum in 2022. His podcast project, "Cross-Dimension Broadcast," invites Taiwanese contemporary artists and mysticism practitioners to explore the applications and techniques of mysticism in contemporary art. Feng-Yi just completed his residency program at ISCP, New York, where he conducted a preliminary research on how mysticism has also been incorporated in American art.
英國牛津大學亞洲與中東研究所博士,曾任英國牛津大學聖安東尼學院臺灣研究學程召集人、中央研究院社會學研究所博士後研究員,主要研究領域為認同政治、國族主義、政治意識型態、情感社會學、論述分析,著有博士論文《當代台灣社會的中國人與台灣人認同》(英文)。近期從事獨立策展與藝評工作,文章散見於《今藝術&投資》、 《藝術觀點》、《報導者》與《數位荒原》等雜誌與平台。策展主題圍繞在神秘主義、宗教學、後人類理論、科技藝術等,策劃「重返神性:作為一位無神論的有神論者」(2019)、高雄市立圖書館「跨維度傳導:藝術、科技、神秘主義的共時相會」當代藝術暨圖書雙聯展(2020)、2020 台灣美術雙年展水谷藝術平行展「倒置理型動物園:想像人性的終極他者」、「親愛的博拉克·陳」(2021)、「鄉愁是一面飄揚的旗:台灣香港錄像展」(2022)。2023 年 C-LAB CREATORS 計畫「導體大系:跨物態感知技術日誌」駐村團隊與 2024 文化部補助紐約 ISCP 駐村策展人。 製作 podcast 節目「跨維度播音」。